Tihar Every people know that Tihar is second main festival of Nepal and every Nepali people.My tihar festival was very nice and well. We family used do pray to god. We all family worship crow, dogs, and cow. The 1st day of tihar was kaag tihar which is know as crow festival. We family gave food to crow. Second day of tihar was kukur tihar.I celebrate kukur tihar by giving food to dogs , putting flower and putting tika. And giving many tasty food and meats. Third day was Laxmi Puja.Which all people used to worship laxmi god. At night time all the people used lighting oil lamp (Diyo) or candles on the side of doorways and windows to welcome prosperty and well beings. At night girls and boys used to play bailo and i also wnet to play bailo ...
MY EXPERIENCE IN JAGAT MANDIR My First day at jagat mandir was from grade 2. At first day I was so unhappy and Shy beacause I was came from village.From class 2 to now I am in grade 10 and it is my last month with JM family. And I sure that I will miss this School and never gone forget this. Now also I stell remember that our grade 2 class teacher Maynuka mam told me that (Boine chello car ma ahne dai baney goru ma) because I was too weak on study and sister was not weak. And in grade 3 4 5 6 and 7 was the best movement and with unforgettable days with my friends. Then we wear in grade 8 and I was stell weak on study and to me study was not interested. And there was BLE examination which is called Basic Level Exam in grade 8 also I got C+. And the grade 8 tour was the best and favourite movement. Then after we slowly reach to grade 9 and there was same friend and same teacher but some friends left the school because of some problems.And cl...
Program to find total no. of vowels in a given word using SUB DECLARE SUB DISPLAY(N$) CLS INPUT"ENTER ANY WORD";N$ CALL DISPLAY(N$) END SUB DISPLAY(N$) FOR I= 1 TO LEN(N$) B$= MID$(N$,I,1) C$= UCASE$(B$) IF C$="A" OR C$="E" OR C$="E" OR C$="I" OR C$="O" OR C$="U" THEN D$=D$+B$ NEXT I PRINT"VOWELS=";D$ END SUB
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